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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was at the center of a heated conflict between his supporters and protesters on the eve of the final Republican debate of the year, BuzzFeed News reports.

Trump held his rally at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort on Monday evening. Nearly 20 minutes into the event, protesters began to voice their disapproval about the candidate and his recent comments regarding Muslims.

Ender Austin III, who was identified as a Black Lives Matter protester, says he wasn’t given a verbal warning before he was reportedly tackled and restrained by several security guards. Austin claims he was mid-sentence when he felt the guards grab him. Trump supporters were also heard screaming “Light that motherf**ker on fire,” as he was escorted out alongside several others.

Via BuzzFeed News:

“They immediately used physical force,” he said. “I absolutely was being disruptive, but as I was making statements I felt hands grabbing on me.”

Austin said he was placed in police custody outside of the rally, but was not arrested.

“What concerns me is that people were yelling racial epithets and hateful things,” Austin said, referring specifically to the person in the crowd who called for him to be lit on fire. “I heard the N-word a couple of times.”

“If we really want to make America great again, then we have to come together,” Austin added. “We have to promote a positive agenda that’s not going to exclude or promote racial hate towards anyone.”

Other reporters took to Twitter to narrate the rally, with one claiming he heard someone scream the Nazi salute, “Sieg heil!” More supporters mocked Austin by claiming he was a Muslim.

Another fight then broke out between demonstrators and Trump supporters.

Trump didn’t seem fazed by the commotion; he continued his speech as protesters clashed with supporters.

SOURCE: BuzzFeed News | VIDEO CREDIT: Inform, Twitter


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