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Last month, Robert Lewis Dear entered a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado and opened fire, taking the lives of three people. During a court hearing yesterday, Dear went on a rant admitting he is guilty of murder and claiming he is a “warrior for babies.” “While his lawyers were discussing pretty routine matters related to the future media coverage, Dear suddenly shouted that he’s guilty and that he’s ‘a warrior for the babies,'” said Colorado Public Radio’s Ben Markus, who was present in the courtroom during Dear’s outbursts. “He ranted that he saw atrocities in the clinic and lots of blood. He accused his public defenders at one point of conspiring with Planned Parenthood against him. He said he wouldn’t submit to a mental health evaluation, fearing that his attorneys would try to drug him up.” Dear was charged with first-degree murder, as well as other counts for the crime. He is scheduled back in court in two weeks. Read more.

Queen Latifah to Star in Lee Daniels’ Pilot

Queen Latifah just nabbed a role in an upcoming drama pilot being developed by director Lee Daniels, the man behind FOX’s Empire. The pilot will be centered on three girls trying to pursue a career in the music industry. Latifah will play the role of a beauty shop owner who takes the three young women in. Daniels cast new actors Jude Demorest, Ryan Destiny, and Brittany O’Grady to play the singers. There is no word on the name of the pilot, but production will kick off in Atlanta this month. Read more.

Chicago Police Officer on Trial for Putting Gun in Suspect’s Mouth

A Chicago police officer who was placed on a high pedestal over the course of his career is on trial for sticking his gun in a suspect’s mouth. Officer Glenn Evans is being tried for aggravated battery and official misconduct for the January 2013 incident.“The defendant clearly crossed the line, hiding behind his badge and commander’s title,” said Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney Frank Lamas. The trial comes on the heels of the U.S. Department of Justice’s announcement they will be launching a civil rights investigation into the city of Chicago after years of complaints that the police department uses excessive force. Evans has been suspended indefinitely until the outcome of the trial is revealed. Read more.