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Although African-Americans have traditionally shunned the Republican Party because of policies that negatively impact the community, debates are important venues for voters to gauge where presidential hopefuls stand on important issues like restrictive voter ID laws, and economic and social policies.

While those issues may not be on the table for tonight’s CNN debate (8 p.m. ET) at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, which will focus on foreign policy and national security, it’s important for African-American voters to tune in. The debate comes as Republican front-runner Donald Trump continues to ramp up his anti-immigration rhetoric. If he makes those comments about Hispanics, is any minority group safe from his slings and arrows?

Here are five things to look for at tonight’s debate:

1. Donald Trump protesters

As he continues to trend well in national and early state polls, protesters have become a common presence outside his campaign events. On Tuesday, Trump’s message was nearly drowned out by protesters as he delivered a message aboard the battleship Iowa in Los Angeles Harbor at an event sponsored by Veterans for a Strong America, according to the Los Angeles Times. “Deport Trump!” and “We’re All Anchor Babies,” read some placards held by protesters, the report says.

2More Trump theatrics

The Republican front-runner’s “unorthodox performance” and attacks on, well, everyone only appears to feed his popularity, says CNN. As a result, look for his antics to continue, and do not expect any substantive commentary besides he’ll “be a great president.”

3. Look for another mic drop by Carly Fiorina as she pushes back at Trump

After her standout performance at the first GOP debate on Fox News and subsequent rise in national and early state polls, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO and only female Republican candidate earned a place in the main debate alongside other top-ranking opponents. With her effortless wit and sharp delivery, she appears poised to exchange verbal blows with Trump. When the mogul criticized her looks, she hit back, saying, “Yes, look at this face!” She then proceeded to brag about how proud she was to have the face of a mature, successful woman.

4. Ben Carson needs a breakout performance

The soft-spoken, retired neurosurgeon is neck-and-neck in national and early state polls with Trump, which puts him in the crosshairs of the real estate mogul, who is known for lashing out at his opponents.

In order to remain at the top of the polls after the debate, he needs to differentiate himself from Trump, which might require him to be critical of his rival. He will also need to be smart and vocal on issues of domestic and foreign policy, including immigration, and Iran and Iraq.

4. Jeb Bush needs to trump Trump


In order to recover his spot as the Republican front-runner, the former Florida governor needs to stand out tonight in style and substance. Tagged by Trump as a “low-energy” candidate, Bush needs to appear energized and eager to meet challenges head-on, which will require him to respond to insults and make informed responses on issues of foreign policy, etc.

Do you think Bush can rise to the occasion? Sound off in the comments…



Watch: Biden Slams Trump’s Xenophobic Rhetoric

Tired of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump‘s anti-immigration message, Vice President Joe Biden called on the reality television star to tone down his language.

Biden, who is weighing a Democratic presidential bid, said: “There’s one guy absolutely denigrating an entire group of people, appealing to the baser side of human nature, working on this notion of xenophobia in a way that hasn’t occurred in a long time,” Biden said Tuesday at a backyard Hispanic heritage month celebration, according to CNN.



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