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Students and former alumni of Howard University took to Twitter to express their reported constant struggle with administration, dorm life, and financial aid at the historically Black institution.

The subject became the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter overnight on Tuesday, as many students spoke out on rodent abundance, mold in dorms, and more critical issues like financial aid and transcript delays, The Washington Post reports. However, students vowed their frustrations haven’t diminished the love they have for the school and its lasting legacy.

Just a few weeks into the fall semester, students were divided on who to blame for the school’s problems. There were a number of candidates like President Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick, as well as secretaries in the Financial Aid Office.

By using the web as a message board of sorts, students’ tweets caught the eye of Frederick, who vowed to address each problem.

The University has faced criticism in the past over lack of alumni funding and overall economic troubles. In 2014, The New York Times revealed the university was going through a tug of war with other non-H.B.C.Us over admitting bright Black students. Because 89 percent of students rely on financial aid to fund their education at Howard, many have turned away from the school since it’s proven difficult to acquire the necessary funding over the years.

SOURCE: The Washington Post | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty, Twitter 


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