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When it comes to famous quotes and sayings, I think it safe to say that just about everyone knows the famous saying “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. However, in the case of defensive tackle Ndamakong Suh, its “hell hath no fury like a Lions fan scorned.”

Now what do I mean by that, you ask?

Well, if you remember around last week, there were quite a few “$UH?” billboards around the city of Detroit, which was sponsored by an anonymous group of Lions fans, who we assumed wanted Suh to stay in Detroit. However, according to Carly Zipp, who is communications director for Outfront Media, that same group has now bought a new set of billboards, but this time with the word “$CRUHED! on it”

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‘$CRUHED!’ Billboards Aimed At Ndamukong Suh Prove There Is No Fury Like A Lions Fan Scorned  was originally published on