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Fallen from grace NFL player Ray Rice (pictured), who became media fodder last year when a video surfaced of him assaulting his then-fiancée, Janay (pictured) has reportedly been offered a one-year job with that pays a $500,000 base salary and another $500,000 in bonuses based on membership milestones, according to TMZ.

The Pro Draft Fantasy football league site however has one little clause in its Rice contract that has a few raising eyebrows.  According to TMZ, the contract reportedly states that all bets will be off if Rice’s hands wind up battering his now-wife Janay again!’s CEO Mark Tedros told TMZ how Rice deserves another chance, that he is certain the football star regrets his actions and that Rice will probably never repeat his crime.

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The company, however, has drawn up an ironclad contract for Rice with language that is crystal clear: if he decides to give a repeat performance with regards to striking Janay during his one year endorsement association with the website, all bets are off.

Per TMZ, the contract states the following: “But in the event that he does while being employed by Pro Draft League, his contract will be immediately terminated and the entire $500k must be returned PLUS an additional $500k in damages that our brand will incur for being associated with Mr. Rice.”

So far, there has been no word as to whether the unemployed Rice has put his signature on the dotted line of the million dollar offering.