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It was back in September that Detroit Lions head coach Jim Cadwell reminded us that there are “more great stories than bad stories” when it comes to the NFL. Although, some will say that the NFL’s image is still a negative one because of the alleged crimes of Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson or because of the way that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell enforces or doesn’t enforce consistent punishment on the players who break the law and team rules.

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It doesn’t change the fact that there are more great stories about the NFL everyday. Even though the NFL has its issues right now, one of the areas they have been consistent in is their promotion of breast cancer awareness. Since we are now in October (beast cancer awareness month), you can definitely expect to see fields and footballs adorned with pink ribbons and players sporting pink gloves, towels and cleats.

Although some people may say that considering the recent events that the NFL has faced with domestic violence, this is just another publicity moment for the NFL to get female fans back on their side. Keep in mind that promoting breast cancer awareness is a noble and worthy cause, no matter what you think of the NFL.

Now don’t misunderstand me, because that’s not to say that the ongoing issues with Rice, Hardy, Peterson and the issues of domestic violence in the NFL are not important, because they are extremely important.

However, none of that changes the fact that the NFL, is still built on great men that have great character and integrity, who take pride in being able to spread more awareness about breast cancer. Lions wide receiver Andrew Peacock, who is currently in his rookie year in the NFL, just tweeted a couple of days ago that October is his favorite month of the year, because he gets to honor the strongest woman he knows, his mother Bridgette Peacock, who has beat breast cancer not once but twice.

“A lot of guys in general have been affected by some type cancer, whether it’s their mother or another women in their family, so this really is a touching month for us and for me personally, because my mom had it twice and beat it twice.” Peacock said.

As a young man, who was transitioning from middle school to high school, when his mother was first diagnosed with cancer, things weren’t always easy. However, Peacock says that his mother’s strength and love help to make him the man he is today.

“For me, what we do on the field is small compared to when someone is fighting for their life, especially a person that it close to you.” Peacock replied. “It definitely made me appreciate my mom a lot more. A lot of times, when your kid, you get discipline, you don’t necessarily understand the discipline part of it but it was probably the toughest thing that I ‘ve ever gone through.”

“When she got it the first time, I think I was in the ninth grade. So making the transition from middle school to high school and then dealing with that was tough on me but what was amazing about my mom was that even when she was going through that, she still made it to all of my games and to all my other activities. It’s just little things like that, that make we want to go that much harder for her.”

Due to the recent alleged crimes of Rice, Hardy, Peterson and the ongoing issues of the NFL as whole. Some people may look at Peacock’s words above and not think much of it, and that’s not fair to Peacock or the rest of the high character family men that embody the NFL.

Again, I know the NFL’s image has taken hit and I am not saying that we shouldn’t make a big deal about the current negative issues surrounding the NFL. However, my point is that as fans of the game or as people in general, we can’t allow the current negative issues that are surrounding the NFL to allow us to forget about the good we see and hear about everyday. Just like as people can’t put everyone in the same group because of what one person did or what a few people did.

As I mentioned above, we as people sometimes like to focus so much on the negative, that we forget that there is a lot of positive things being done as well in the NFL. Peacock’s love and appreciation for his mother and for women in general is something that should be cherished and appreciated, not overlooked or scoffed at.

“I know my mom is my biggest fan, so just me being here and fighting everyday is definitely for her.” Peacock said “I think these women should be recognized more than just one month. Like I said, these women fight for their lives and they know it’s a big possibility that they might not make it, so one month is not enough. I always praise my mother, I always try to do things for her and make sure that she know that I love her. So October is just that extra month, that I get to do more stuff for her.”

“Overall, I think breast cancer awareness it should be all year around.”

Written by LBeasley (Lauren Beasley), Sports Editor of Radio One Detroit

For more of L-Beasley’s (Lauren Beasley) sports news and in-depth sports content, click here.

Lions’ Andrew Peacock Speaks On His Mother’s Strength As He Shines A Light On Breast Cancer Awareness  was originally published on