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It’s no surprise that readers of the tabloids and gossip blogs have taken note of the unique choice of headgear worn by V. Stiviano, former girlfriend of disgraced L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling; but, are they actually buying their own “Paparazzi Visors”? Apparently so, according to the New York Daily News:

Her bizarre, storm trooper-esque “Paparazzi Visor” has become a must-have for daring fashionistas, driving up sales overnight.

“It’s so unexpected, but it’s perfect,” SaintChic owner Gingie McLeod told the News. “There’s so many people who don’t want to be looked at.”

Stiviano roller skated out of her house on Wednesday in the rainbow-hued head gear to face — or not — a crowd of reporters camped in her driveway.

SaintChic says it is also the creator of “the popular Bondage Pant.”  No word on whether that’s another must-have item for the “silly rabbit” of a racist billionaire.

RELATED STORY: V. Stiviano Says Donald Sterling Is Not A Racist, But Should Apologize (Hello Beautiful) 

SEE ALSO: Join Hundreds Of Black Bloggers In New York City For Blogging While Brown 2014!