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In an effort to curry favor with African-American voters, Democratic mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner will meet with Rev Al. Sharpton (pictured).

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On Saturday, Weiner will have a private meet with Sharpton at his House Of Justice in Harlem before speaking at the weekly National Action Network rally.

According to Sharpton, people shouldn’t be quick to judge Weiner’s past indiscretions. “I think everybody has a right to a second chance,” he told the Daily News, in regards to the sexting scandal that forced Weiner from Congress in 2011.

“People understand that we all fall, but can we get up? At the same time, you can give people a second chance, but you don’t have to necessarily support him.”

Rev. Sharpton is referring to the 2011 incident, where the very married Weiner sent a sexual photo of himself to one of his Twitter followers. Initially, Weiner denied sending the photo, saying his account had been hacked, but at a press conference, he eventually admitted that he had “exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years.” On June 16th of that same year, he would announce his resignation.

According to Sharpton, he was one of the first people Weiner contacted when he began his campaign. He called Sharpton and “said he and I have always had a cordial relationship even if we didn’t always agree and said he would like to meet with me.”

Weiner has aggressively targeted Black voters since entering the race. His first campaign stop was at a Harlem church. He also participated in a parade in Laurelton, Queens. If numbers are any instance, his plan is working.

Last month’s Quinnipiac poll found that 20 percent of Black Democrats support Weiner, 14 percent support Christine Quinn, and 13 percent support Bill Thompson.

Sharpton further praised Weiner for reaching out to him. “Weiner shrewdly started in Harlem, he shrewdly is coming to my show,” he said. “He doesn’t care if he gets some boos. He wins for coming.”

Talking through a spokeswoman, Weiner said that “Reverend Sharpton and his National Action Network talk all the time about the challenges facing those in the middle class and struggling to make it. I’m eager to share my ideas.

RELATED: Al Sharpton: Modern Day Freedom Fighter [VIDEO]